March 2018
Stanley Gibbons Circular Web
2018 Statements & Announcements,
Group Financial Information,
Investor Information,
March 2018
2018 Statements & Announcements,
Group Financial Information,
Investor Information,
It contains the Resolutions to be voted on at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company to be held at the Company’s head office at 399 Strand, London WC2R 0LX at 10.00 a.m. on 16 March 2018.
If you are in any doubt about what action you should take, you should consult your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor or other independent financial adviser authorised under FSMA immediately.
Copies of this Document will be available free of charge until 16 March 2018 at the Company’s head office at 399 Strand, London WC2R 0LX and at the offices of finnCap at 60 New Broad Street, London EC2M 1JJ, during normal business hours.
If you have sold or otherwise transferred all of your existing holding of Ordinary Shares in the Company, please forward this Document, together with the accompanying Form of Proxy, as soon as possible to the purchaser or the transferee or to the stockbroker, bank or other agent through whom the sale or transfer was effected…